The best way to teach ' mates ', science and history, according to the US academy

One of the most common reproaches that are made to education that is given in schools and institutes, but also in the university, is that it has barely changed in the last few centuries. And even if it is a generalization that overlooks a multitude of nuances, there is no lack of reason. The PUBG Mobile IOS Master class thus decried has given way to new proposals which involve encouraging the participation of the student and providing a more practical and theoretical approach. In the same way that reading an engineering manual does not make you an engineer, simply transmitting information is not knowledge.

As explained in a recent article by José Antonio Marina, the motivation has ended up obsessing both the educational world that has ended up becoming a cliché. We should not always think that the only problem of the student when not studying is that it does not feel motivated, just as our boss would not accept our lack of professionalism for losing the desire. But it is true that much of the educational efforts that are made in the classrooms focus on getting the student to connect in an emotional and intelligible way with what he learns.

A volume published by the United States National Academy of Sciences under the name of How People Learn. Maps of usa Brain, Mind, Experience, and School gives some clues about the most effective methods of learning, by studying in a concrete way how some professors teach mathematics, science and history and interpreting their methods through scientific research Recent. The main thesis is common sense, but we often forget about it: "Cognitive changes do not occur as a result of the accumulation of knowledge, but of processes related to the conceptual reorganization."
Based on this principle, research establishes a hierarchy of competencies that teachers must possess and of what they should be aware of if they want their practice to be successful. First of all, they do not work on a vacuum, but the students have previous knowledge that can help or hinder learning. Secondly, that neither memorization nor the ability to solve problems is the most important, but "a well-organized knowledge of concepts, principles and research procedures". But in what way does this very concrete principle translate into the different subjects in a practical way?


For the youngest, about seven or eight years, the most effective exercises were those involving every day or related aspects of the class to understand the content of the matter. For example, use lunch food to count or perform operations with fractions, or the number of students in the class to understand the relationship of the part to the whole.
When students are older the best method is model-based reasoning, i.e., a kind of inference that tries to explain the causal rules that govern the world. It is a more abstract level, in which algebraic operations and geometry-based solutions appear, and that could be conceptually summarized with the schema of a flowchart.


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